After working with celebrities, mainly recording artists, for well over 20 years, my simple philosophy is that FAME is the most addictive drug known to mankind. It can be extremely dangerous, and the addiction seems to happen instantly yet never goes away. I remember back in my music video days when we would produce videos for a new artist. As soon as we yelled "Action," the music and camera started rolling; this previously nice, sometimes very timid person turned into a FAME monster. I often would say, "did I miss something? Did their album go gold?" I asked because, in that very instant, these individuals, possibly unbeknown even to themselves, became addicted to fame. Unfortunately, they would never be able to shake this newfound addiction.
There are no rehab programs for this FAME addiction. Most of its victims are extremely unaware of this issue until the drug is lost or no longer available then they begin to go to extreme lengths to obtain it, and thus the danger of the addiction is truly felt.

Unfortunately, the idea of fame can be found in so many ways - likes and followers on social media tend to be one of the most instant and somewhat effective doses of the drug. Some parties never venture to the big hits, such as becoming a real star, but this minimum level of adulation tends to suffice the addiction. They will often go to extreme levels of fantasy/lies to continue their fix. However, the larger the dosage of fame one becomes exposed to, the bigger the high and, ultimately, the more dangerous the addiction. The real unfortunate thing is once you are affected and become addicted, life as you know it will never be the same, and you will spend the rest of your life seeking to keep this monster of an addiction well fed.

It is sad to watch athletes past their prime, willing to risk life and limb to satisfy this addiction. Then singers who can barely stand on a stage, who once performed in arenas, become willing to prop themselves up on any stage, which could result in various extremes of potential embarrassment, to obtain one last dose of that FAME drug. I wonder - If there was a cure for this addiction, would people even want it, or are they all satisfied spending the rest of their lives seeking this drug. I don't have any of the answers. Still, I know that my awareness of this issue proposes a certain level of responsibility as a reality television producer and a human. After all, I am in the FAME drug-selling business. What has become apparent is that given the right situation, even some of the best, most humble people quickly become addicted to this drug and are willing to bare their souls for even the smallest dose.